Iranian scholar and strategist Alireza Panahian, co-founder of the Ammar think tank, said in a public speech on October 6, 2022 that was broadcast on Iranian Television Channel 3 that, according to Islamic tradition, the Iranians will annihilate Israel and they will become the “masters” of the world.” He said that according to the commentators of the Quran, the Iranians will devastate the homes of the Israelis, annihilate them, and eventually finish them off. Panahian went on to say that according to Islamic tradition, this will happen before the ascension of the Mahdi and before the appearance of the hidden imam, the rulers of the entire world will be Iranians. Panahian added that all the “free nations” of the world, the Yemenis, Iraqis, Syrians and Lebanese, are proud of these traditions and that the Iranians will liberate the world. Panahian further said that the “decaying” Western civilization has no choice but to be annihilated in a confrontation with Iran.